Whisk Puns

I was thinking of kitchen puns/ whisk puns and thought i could play around and experiment with them. I was thinking of 'A recipe for a Disaster' and 'Cooking up a storm.' I knew I wanted a 1950 domestic female as I was inspired by Joe Webb's collages and how he explores that era. For a recipe for a disaster I was thinking of having a natural disaster background like a tsunami, earthquake or a volcano. In the end I chose a volcano as I thought that the colours popped and it was best suited for this imagery. Then I had to decide on a font. Originally I explored fonts that I thought would connect to the disaster part like the font below, but I didn't think it suited with the 1950's theme. I had a similar approach to Cooking up a storm. Again I didn't think the font went with the image and I also changed the background too. I then thought a typewriter kind of font would fit in with this old fashioned traditional 1950's theme that I was exploring. Personally I think these were rather successful and link to the whisk theme really well. I also enjoyed experimenting on power point which is were I created these, however in the future to get a higher quality and more choices for editing I would work on Photoshop as I found power point limiting in what it can do.

 After creating the 1950's style imagery I wanted to experiment with the word Risk and change it to Whisk. So wanted to explore the ideas of risky extreme sports. The image below of the snow was inspired by Joe Webb's whipped cream collages. The whisk Takers was inspired by an image that I found by typing in 'Risk takers' into google image.

Images inspired for collages (Joe Webb)

Image inspired for Whisk Takers (google image)
