cockney rhyming slang

I wanted to explore Cockney rhyming slang but food edition. I illustrated them on photoshop.
Loaf of bread/ head

jam jar/ car

lemon and lime/ crime

bean/ queen

wobbly jelly/ telly

After creating the ones above, I liked the top one which had a body, it creates a character style and I would want to continue that style further. I also liked the idea of making cockney rhyming slang illustrations educational as it's not that well known, so I decided to present them in a book. Due to the time constraint I could only illustrate 5 with the character style so this would be a preview of the book layout.

Loaf of bread/ head

Hot potato/ waiter

Bean/ Queen

Brussel sprout/ Scout

Hot Cross Bun/ Nun

Once creating the book layout I wanted to create a sticker activity page layout that could be used alongside the book .
Sticker activity idea

With the stickers
